Public Art Inventory

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Consultation has concluded

Fayetteville's publicly accessible art scene has expanded dramatically over the past year. Artworks, particularly murals, are turning up on private property across the city.

The Fayetteville Arts Council is trying to build a comprehensive inventory of publicly accessible art. You can help by dropping a pin on the interactive map below to show the location of a work of art, and upload a photo of the work, along with the name of the artist and title of the work if you know it. Help us create an organic catalog of public art across our city! These artworks will be added to the City's existing interactive map of public artworks, which you can view here.

There are two types of artworks we want to track:

Public Art: Must be freely viewable by anyone at any time of day. It may be on public or private property, but the public must be able to view the work without accessing private property. This includes murals on private buildings that are viewable from the street, but not a mural inside a business or other building.

Publicly Accessible Art: Art that is freely viewable by anyone who enters a publicly accessible building or other property, such as a business, beer garden, or courtyard. There must be no fee to enter.

Thank you for your help in this endeavor, and keep making art!

Fayetteville's publicly accessible art scene has expanded dramatically over the past year. Artworks, particularly murals, are turning up on private property across the city.

The Fayetteville Arts Council is trying to build a comprehensive inventory of publicly accessible art. You can help by dropping a pin on the interactive map below to show the location of a work of art, and upload a photo of the work, along with the name of the artist and title of the work if you know it. Help us create an organic catalog of public art across our city! These artworks will be added to the City's existing interactive map of public artworks, which you can view here.

There are two types of artworks we want to track:

Public Art: Must be freely viewable by anyone at any time of day. It may be on public or private property, but the public must be able to view the work without accessing private property. This includes murals on private buildings that are viewable from the street, but not a mural inside a business or other building.

Publicly Accessible Art: Art that is freely viewable by anyone who enters a publicly accessible building or other property, such as a business, beer garden, or courtyard. There must be no fee to enter.

Thank you for your help in this endeavor, and keep making art!

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Fayetteville Publicly Accessible Art

over 3 years

There are two types of artworks we want to track: 

Public Art: Must be freely viewable by anyone at any time of day. It may be on public or private property, but the public must be able to view the work without accessing private property. This includes murals on private buildings that are viewable from the street, but not a mural inside a business or other building.

Publicly Accessible Art: Art that is freely viewable by anyone who enters a publicly accessible building or other property, such as a business, beer garden, or courtyard. There must be no fee to enter.

How to use the pins:

  1. Click + to add a pin.
  2. Choose your pin color (Pink for Public Art. Purple for Publicly Accessible Art)
  3. Drag your pin to the right place on the map and drop it!
  4. Include the title, artist, date, and address if you have that information. 
  5. Upload a photo.
  6. Submit!

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.